Synopsis in brief. I met with both Senators' aides from Colorado along with my congressman's aide. In addition, I personally delivered letters for Colorado and for New Mexico. I also had the good fortune to accompany 2 other staff members from TRS on appointments with another Congresswoman in Colorado and Senator Max Baucus of Montana. We actually met just outside the Senate floor in the Senate Reception room (see photo in blog).
Carrie Boatman, CMT, RPhT, Past President of AHDI visited with her legislators and showed them real-life examples of errors that she encounters daily. Our current President, Betty Honkonen, CMT, AHDI-F received a commitment from Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite to write legislation related to military spouse access to funding for educational purposes.
It just doesn't get any better than that and I really have to hand it to Betty for getting our message across so vividly that it prompted action to write legislation! What's also very amazing is that people who were there for the first time, made appointments, spoke to their Senators about issues and pending legislation like pros, and went above and beyond to ensure the future of our profession!
On this, the beginning of National MT Week, I can't think of a better way to kick it off than to be getting ready to write thank you notes to those with whom I met, and to continue to keep this relationship ongoing. Advocacy doesn't end here, it continues and I would absolutely encourage you to consider this worthy action next time you hear the call.
I am reminded today of the following...."Go placidly amid the noise & haste & remember what peace there may be in silence...speak your truth quietly & clearly...keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time..." Interesting that Desiderata dates back to 1692 and yet is just as true today. If everyone in this profession did 1 thing - just 1 this year to help secure our place in the EHR health system of tomorrow, it would become self-evident that the contributions to quality healthcare documentation are best achieved with a highly-skilled and professional work force!
Happy National MT Week Everyone!