Friday, July 25, 2008

What Really Matters

News headlines are generally painting a picture of bad news on many fronts. The economy, the war, the price of gas, the price of food, energy and the housing market overall. These are very serious matters and by now, many of us are looking for ways to stretch our earnings to compensate for these more expensive times.

Taking it into perspective, we are a very resourceful group of professionals and we will work our way through this. Although working in healthcare is a relatively recession-proof vocation, it is not entirely that way, and this is no time to be complacent. It is also not a time when we can just count on our line of work to always be here - it is changing rapidly and some have already felt the shift to electronic documentation at their place of work.

In the future, the healthcare documentation professionals with credentials, experience with the most challenging work types and dictators, educational backgrounds, those who embrace new technologies to assist them in becoming more productive are going to be the ones in high demand as time and the EHR moves forward. This is a fact that you can hang your hat on.

There will be new jobs emerge and those who make it their goal to seek these out, find their niche and raise their hand to say, "I can do this and here's how it will help," will be the ones to move into the electronic documentation future.

So what really matters? Getting involved, being part of the solution and always remembering that your knowledge, your expertise, your future depends totally on YOU. The actions you begin to take today will map your future success. Take charge of your career, ensure your success and participate in leading the evolution of healthcare documentation. No one can do this for you and the more voices there are saying that our expertise makes for a better healthcare outcome, the more likely we are to be heard. AHDI is the channel for your voice to be heard. Check us out and get involved today.