Well, we did it! We elected the nation's first African-American President and so many experts thought this day would come, but not for many years yet. As a people, we can be a surprising lot. How we approach a challenge doesn't fit every model and our ability to rise to an occasion is truly second to none.
The point here is not about politics as that is a topic that can get heated (ya think?) as we all have our fundamental beliefs in which is right - left or right, but based on the voters, we are going to be putting our faith and trust towards the left. However, somewhere in the middle, at the end of the day, we are all one country and now Barack Obama is entrusted with getting us out of a number of big problems, the magnitude of which haven't faced our country since the 30s.
You may be asking, ok Susan, so what is the point? The point is that people have different ways of viewing and reacting to the challenges that face us as individuals. Some people take action and choose to make a difference by stepping up to lead a committee or a group or join with like-minded folks for various causes. Some like to find the person (or group) who is responsible and blame them, and some take a realistic view and say what can I do - what is my role in all of this and how can I make my situation better?
Make no mistake, the economy is the real deal - times are tough and money is tight. We will likely be asked to participate in our nation's recovery to a certain degree and we may have to make choices and sacrifices. Healthcare is still not optimal and it will take years for it to evolve to the next stage, but we must be actively involved in that if we want to ensure our success in future roles.
On a personal note though, we really all do own our own success. No one can make us happy or rich or successful. It is up to us. When you consider your position now, your lot in life and you compare it to where you really want to go, what will you do to help yourself get there? How will you make your plan work to get you to your goal? Will you be a leader, a blamer or an action-taker?