Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hope your day for the "wearin' of the green" has been enjoyable from the top of the mornin' to the wee hours of the night. As this day is coming to a close, I wanted to get a quick update out here before I leave for Sacramento, CA to attend the AHDI-West inaugural meeting.

This is truly an exciting time for this new regional that combines the states of Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Hawaii and Alaska. It's a great concept that originated from the members and holds the promise to create synergies and combine these areas and considerable resources to create a greater strength and sense of purpose. You can check out their new website
here .

Another bit of news is that the MTIA conference is right around the corner, April 22-25 and don't forget the Quality Summit will take place on April 25. Check out this
link to get the scoop from the press release on this important summit.

Last week, I attended an industry advisory meeting in Atlanta and was really inspired by the content and ideas that were exchanged during this meeting. The attendees were HIM professionals, IT experts, leaders in the healthcare documentation industry with open collaboration on what challenges lie ahead. It becomes clearer to me with every passing day that we have tremendous opportunities to do more and provide more support and solutions for the healthcare documentation sector. I encourage everyone to consider what else we might do, how else might we contribute to help solve the growing demand for timely, quality, complete information for patient care. In the rush to solve the challenge of healthcare reform, we must not hastily forget the skills and expertise the knowledge worker can bring as part of the solution to this growing problem. Technology alone will never be the answer. Technology in the hands of well-trained experts is what can really make the difference.

Share your ideas - How can medical transcriptionists bring more in terms of solutions for healthcare docuementation? What else might we do with the advent of the EHR?