Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Military Spouse Initiative Update

Have you heard the news yet? Peter Preziosi, PhD has received a special invitation from the Secretary of Defense to attend a kickoff launch recongizing the military spouse intiative. And guess where it is being held? The Pentagon! Woo-hoo - now that's big news!

As you may know there are over 200 military spouses enrolled in AHDI approved schools for medical transcription because it is a career that moves with you. Because of this and the many efforts made to get the word out about this opportunity, that it has caught the attention of many military spouses across the nation.

We look forward to these students graduating and going to work in their new chosen career. We are ready to help them enjoy all the success they are working towards and we hope that through the Pentagon's recognition of what a good fit medical transcription is for military spouses, that we will see this grow and grow.

1 comment:

Betty Honkonen, CMT, AHDI-F said...

Just a quick note to congratulate you on your election as president-elect of the AHDI board of directors. I look forward to working closely with you next year on military spouse issues as well as many other things....

Betty Honkonen :)