Often, the holidays are immediately followed by increased bills, and a few increased pounds. Neither of which are particularly welcome, and certainly then close behind are the obligatory resolutions for the New Year. Typically, we have good intentions to avoid the first two and live with the third, but even the best laid plans sometimes don't come through.
This year, I thought I would beat the odds and shop within my budget and avoid the temptation of overeating. So far, I haven't exactly prevailed with both. LOL Although I am proud to say that this is the best after Christmas credit card bill ever and the only temptations of Christmas sugar-fare were the decadently melt-in-your mouth Christmas sugar cookies from Walmart with the white or green icing. They are just way too good and so we bought several boxes of them.
Now for the New Year's resolution part. This year I am confident that I will stick with it. Mostly because I will not promise to go on a diet (duh! the mere mention of that word sends my metabolic rate into a coma). What I will do is promise to eat healthy and keep exercising, hiking and this winter, snow shoeing at every opportunity. I also am dedicating the next 3 years of my life to the profession that I love. As President-elect of AHDI for 2008, I intend to immerse myself in contributing as much of my time to helping us move forward and improving our position as key members of the healthcare delivery team. This is a resolution that I will have no trouble keeping. It is something that I am passionate about and will provide an ROI unlike anything I have done before. I am excited to have been elected to serve!
It seems that the important aspect of making a resolution is to make it reasonable yet challenging - one you can live with and one that adds to living. What resolution could you make that would add meaning to your life?
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