People everywhere are doing it. They are finding ways to conserve and move our world back to better health. It all ties in with good stewardship and sustainability. We know that we want to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Steps are being taken to develop alternative energy sources and if each of us recycles, makes fewer trips in the car, and reduces waste, we all save money and resources in the long run. Make sure you absolutely have to have a paper copy before you hit "print." Plant a tree and bring more oxygen to offset the CO2 impact. click here to see how you can participate. Little things can make a big difference and the things we do in our home CAN help change the world. For more info click here
Betty Honkonen wrote an awesome article for Advance that is available for your reading pleasure by following this link. click here In this article Betty points out how important it is to stay connected in economical downturns. The other compelling point that is critical to success in times like these where changes in healthcare are happening rapidly, is to remember the most important investment you make when times are tight is the investment you make in yourself. Keep yourself at the top of your profession. Staying connected in a networking mode to those who are leading the evolution of these changes can make a difference, particularly if you find yourself in an organization that is downsizing or eliminating certain technologies all together.
Layoffs are happening everywhere read more and no business sector is exempt. The investment in your credential, and in your association should be a priority for you most especially at this time. When employers are selective about who gets hired, make sure that you set yourself apart with a credential that tells the employer that continuing education is important to you. We have a community of solutions and no one should have to face these challenging times alone AHDI. The community of MTs has far more in common in today's evolving healthcare than ever before.
Fortunately the economic stimulus bill has finally passed and although this is a first step to financial recovery, jobs creations, and housing market stabilization, it will certainly take some time to get through it. As healthcare documentation continues to evolve, the actions we take collectively to create and establish careers that support this next evolution, will be much more impactful if everyone in this sector can find a way to work together toward that common goal. When we can as a unified profession emphasize the strengths and contributions we make to healthcare to those who who are making decisions, demonstrate how the knowledge worker's inclusion in healthcare's future is necessary, we then will have an opportunity to play a significant role in the EHR that is absolutely on the way.
Betty Honkonen wrote an awesome article for Advance that is available for your reading pleasure by following this link. click here In this article Betty points out how important it is to stay connected in economical downturns. The other compelling point that is critical to success in times like these where changes in healthcare are happening rapidly, is to remember the most important investment you make when times are tight is the investment you make in yourself. Keep yourself at the top of your profession. Staying connected in a networking mode to those who are leading the evolution of these changes can make a difference, particularly if you find yourself in an organization that is downsizing or eliminating certain technologies all together.
Layoffs are happening everywhere read more and no business sector is exempt. The investment in your credential, and in your association should be a priority for you most especially at this time. When employers are selective about who gets hired, make sure that you set yourself apart with a credential that tells the employer that continuing education is important to you. We have a community of solutions and no one should have to face these challenging times alone AHDI. The community of MTs has far more in common in today's evolving healthcare than ever before.
Fortunately the economic stimulus bill has finally passed and although this is a first step to financial recovery, jobs creations, and housing market stabilization, it will certainly take some time to get through it. As healthcare documentation continues to evolve, the actions we take collectively to create and establish careers that support this next evolution, will be much more impactful if everyone in this sector can find a way to work together toward that common goal. When we can as a unified profession emphasize the strengths and contributions we make to healthcare to those who who are making decisions, demonstrate how the knowledge worker's inclusion in healthcare's future is necessary, we then will have an opportunity to play a significant role in the EHR that is absolutely on the way.
Love your latest blog entries, Susan, and thanks for the "shout out!"
I am trying to do my part to "go green" by purchasing a water filtration system that fits in the fridge. I fill sports bottles with water every night so they are ready for the next day's use, thus eliminating bottled water. I also wash all laundry using cold water and, since I live in Florida, our cold days are limited so we only need an extra blanket rather than turning up the heat and we haven't run the A/C in months.
Can't wait to learn even more about taking care of our planet at ACE 2009 in Nashville!!
I notice you said "FORTUNATELY the stimulus bill has passed." I don't think it's "fortunate" at all. Does the AHDI "officially" support any of this stuff? If so, I'll be canceling my membership.
Evergreen, sorry that you aren't in favor of US economic recovery. Regardless of political affiliation, it is clear to the decision-makers in Washington that our current direction was not working and that an aggressive plan was needed.
My opinions in support of jobs creation and solutions to the housing crisis as well as healthcare reform are my own - no one elses. I respect your opinion that you don't think it is a good idea to fix our nation's current economic situation, it's just simply that I do support our President and I believe that we must find a way to put our nation back on its feet. Thanks for stopping by. Best wishes.
Evergreen did not say she was not in favor of economic recovery. I also think that the economic "stimulus" package is nothing but a temporary Band-Aid on a deep wound, and will make everything worse, not better. It's quite presumputous to think that just because someone is not an advocate of large-government social programming that they don't "think it's a good idea to fix" the economic situation. I'm a recent member of AHDI myself, and after reading your blog and the Vitals emails, I am beginning to think that I will not be renewing next year.
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