Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are here. Can you believe it? It's time to consider what you are thankful for, to enjoy some quality time with family and friends and to cherish what is meaningful in your life. It is also time to plan for the year ahead and think about what you want to achieve. Not so much like the New Year's resolutions we make with good intentions because they don't always last, but think more long-term and make plans to get there with a list that has dates and interval checks along the way.

Been putting off finishing that college degree? Get on track to complete it. Been thinking about your first or a new credential? Begin to study and prepare so that you can celebrate when you successfully get that achieved! Thought about running for a leadership office? Maybe this is the year to throw your hat in the ring. Whatever it is, make a serious to-do list that has something special in it - something that allows you to check it off the list, but you end up way better off once it is done! This is a way to get energized!

This year, I am incredibly thankful for the amazing friendship and support from MTs everywhere as I have traveled across the US serving as president of AHDI. I am so inspired by all those who have attended meetings and participated on committees and work groups to provide a strong future for us in this profession. There is so much to do, and the way everyone is pulling together to get us there, I have every confidence we will prevail.

So this holiday when you are contemplating your future, ask yourself, have I reached my full potential? Is there more I could do? Should do? If _______ happens, what will I do next? Prepare for the unexpected, continually improve yourself, plan for success, and decide to be great! How will you make 2010 your best year yet?


Unknown said...

Hi Susan! I didn't even know you had moved to Webmedx until I stumbled upon your blog! Best of luck! I wanted you to know I passed the CMT exam. Thanks again for all your fantastic support and encouragement. Now to the future, and beyond! - Melanie Hassler

Unknown said...

Wish you the same! but the year surely will bring some great memories!
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