At Thanksgiving time each year, many families will ask everyone at the table to say what they are thankful for that year. Many people don't look forward to this time to share their feelings openly at the dinner table and some actually do. Why do you suppose this is not the main attraction at the Thanksgiving meal? You could guess that it's personal and each person may have their own list of things to be thankful for that it might not be the most popular? Or that they just don't like to share their inner-most feelings while dining and slipping into that turkey coma?
Well whatever the reasons and certainly there are probably just as many reasons for not wanting to share as there are reasons for being thankful, it seems clear that it should never be about giving the most popular reason for being thankful. It has to be real and true for you or it's not worth saying. It could be something as simple as being thankful for having good health, for family members, or for not getting a traffic ticket, or for having made really good 401K investments this year despite the economy. One reason is no greater than another, because it seems that the reasons we are thankful are as individual as we are.
Although this was never a tradition at our dinner table when I grew up, it always seemed like a good idea, so this year, my husband and I talked about this, and after sharing what we were thankful for, we decided, this will be our tradition, since 2007. LOL We found out that we are really thankful for each other, for our home and for our jobs. We are both doing what we love and love what we do. We are thankful for our health and our enjoyment of the great outdoors and the wildlife that we often are fortunate enough to see.
So, what are you thankful for this year?
1 comment:
These are the things I am most grateful for:
My wonderful, ever growing family;
My knowledge of a loving heavenly father and his son, my savior, Jesus Christ;
My daily work;
My talents;
Great food;
Great music that stirs the soul;
People who are kind to me;
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